![]() | The media pulished the affairs of ![]() ![]() |
![]() | Lewinsky was a worker secretary at the White House of the USA and step-by-step by using the soft-nature of President Clinton she got closer to him. She was, after, often shown among the personal caravan of Clinton. And then by applying her marketing strategy Lewinsky all of sudden declared that she had some affairs with the President. This was the master-minded game of Lewinsky. She marketised her relationship with President Clinton and earned a lot of money. After the announcement of her so-called relationship she was getting millions of dollars for the interviews with the media! She sold the goodwill of President Clinton and became millionaire! |
![]() | Lady Diana was from a middle class family, and married Prince Charles of the Royal family of Great Britain. She was ever interested in publicity. The marriage with Prince Charles and her other affairs were secondary, her primary interest was only publicity. She herself published her and that was her modes operanty. Had she any tunning with the media? |
  All the world is a stage, and all men and women are merely players. It is a truth worldly acknowledged that the winner is who publish himself in a real way. I believe that America has proved their leading place in this business of marketing. They hvae resolvely handled the media and by the intelligent help of which they are trying to describe themselves as the world power. Whenever we see the great animated movies like rambo, star wars, indepencence day, airforce 1 etc, we think that America is really the world power and is really well-forward. Because they're always explaining themselves as a hero and fact fighters and the other countries as velains. Likewise in each and every factors America is the master and hence they have the rights to publicate themselves because the world demands results! |
![]() | People are always ready to accept whatever the media and powerful people are pouring unto them. Marketing is always there whether it is a matter of today or of thousands of year before. For your more sweet understanding let's take a look at the Mahabharat. Yudhisthir is known as Dharmaraj - The religious king, and it is also a fact that he lost his whole dynasty and wife Draupadi in playing gamble! Unregarding this our scriptures has described him as Dharmaraj. How and by which angle we can cll him Dharmaraj? If the same thing we do with our family, will we be proved and be acknowledged as a great person? |
  But, always be diplomat. The author of the Mahabharat - Muni Sri Vedvyas - was something more than a spiritual author; he was the marketing master in favour to the Pandavas. Because he has described Duryodhan as a cruel king and as a velain in the whole script. But, according to me, the matter is something diff'rent. When his own blood-relators left Karan (Karna), it was Duryodhan who saved him and gave him his territory, and when Karan died in the battle of Kurukshetra, Duryodhan became so upset that he left the battle temporarily and went deep in the water to give the peace to his dear friend Karan's soul. He was shocked for his friend's death! Can you call this kind a friend as a cruel king? |
![]() ![]() | You're intelligent, handsome, beautious, smart, master and blaster but if you don't publish yourself, don't marketise yourself as America and Vedvyas (in favour to the Pandavas) did then your knowledge and every plus point are of no use. Remember that of all things you wear your expression is most important! |
  We always use to blame our neighbours, we love to blame mankind! A person will always blame his faults on another. That is in our human nature. In this cycle, the main target is to cheat each other. Cheat and win! Everybody in this world cheats every other body; it is the law of nature. Truth and virtue are just textuals, the realm is diff'rent. If you want to win, if you want to attract more and more people then learn how to convince people. Be dramatic, express yourself and the world will obey you. A good diplomat is who can fire his rival's house without having his rival notice it! |
  A tablet of garlic can be more effective than viagara if you've enough capabilities to marketise it in a fairy way. Multi-national companies have made a strong reputation that who welcomes their visitors by offering their diff'rent products like cold-drinks, ready-made snacks, etc. is a good mannered person and is a status! And we are, surprisingly, behaving in that way only. But, we are not aware of the fact that a piece of lime and a cup of sugar added water will do more than this cold-drink which costs 10 Rs. We like to waste 10 Rs. rather than to save 9 Rs. and to serve our dear ones more energic drink! Do you see? Marketing can make 10 Rs out of 1 Re and can make protocols. |
  If you will tell a small lie then the people will suddenly think over it, they can't accept it, but if you'll tell a big lie then the people will suddenly accept it, they can't think over it! And this fact grieves my heart to think what man has made of man! Showmen has always fooled the people. People in secondary market (Stock Market) are 100% educated but we all know that the persons like Ketan parekh has cheated these so-called educated people and have lead the market index very highly ragged. The same thing happened in Hong Kong (Hang Sang Index) and Japan (Nikkie Index). |
  Fundamentaly Dow-Jones of USA was noted about 18,000 in 1996-97, but in2000 last quarter it was noted about 10,500. At this time the BSE index was up (about 5000) and but the market was in ragging, because the BSE index should be something about 2400. This happen because of the ragging in the rate of some IT shares. The're trying to convince people to believe in their products and thus they're succeed in selling a brand cost of Rs. 150 in 200 Rs., and the thing to be noted out is that the public is still happy with it! |
  Now, if shares of some perticular company is increased to Rs. 4000 and then decreased to 1900, then again increased to 2800 and finally closed at 2000 in the 1st qurter of 2001 yr, then people will automatically be attracted to buy the shares of that company. But, we should know the fact that these all are marketing business of the media. when the so-called educated people of the market will purchase the shares of that company by the help of tips marketed by the media rather than by analizing the fundamental and anual reports of the company, then they will be in lose for sure. Because when people purchased the shares of that company in 2000 last quarter (as it was highly ragging at that time), they did not know that it will be quickly come to down and now in 2001 last quarter the rate is about 100 Rs.! Many people of India were totally thrown out by such intelligent techniques, and at that time without the help of SEBI, Governing Boards, company promoters and without convincing the chairman of diff'rent involved companies people like Ketan Parekh currupted the market and sent a big amount of money out of the country! And what was the result? People attracted towards him! |
  I know that you still don't have any idea what I am talking about, but you will soon realize it! I know what is your problem...! |
![]() ![]() ![]() |   Are you not looking elegant? Are you black? Is your personality not so effective? Are you very faty or much thinner? Doesn't matter, you can still make Aishwarya Rai your friend or any beautiful model your fiance! Remember that there is an island of opportunity in the middle of every difficulty! And to make your these dreams come true you must learn about the discrete techniques to use in the business of marketing! Do marketing of yourself, I repeat, do marketing of yourself! Because you are the media of yourself, you are the press of yourself! |
![]() |   Be diff'rent, act diff'rent. And to behave in that manner you should learn about discrete techniques of marketing. By marketing only you can give yourself a sexy image, beautiful face, dazzling eyes and pleaing personality whether you really have them or not! Take a look at these different personalities and try to think over this matter yourself. Remember that all big men are dreamers! (e.g., Andre Agasi & Steffy Graff, Kishor Kumar & Yogita, Mazhar Khan & Zeenat Aman, Javed Akhtar & Shabana Azmi, Rajan Pilai (Britannia) couple, Nana Chudasama (X-Sheriff, Mumbai) & his wife, R. Murdock of Star TV married his PA, Ram Vilas Paswan, Shobha De (writer), |
  Many beautiful faces are there in the interior fields of our world, but do we know them? We know only Aishwarya Rai, |
  What this story is all about? There are many good qualities inside you, so many skills you know, but except you how many are aware of your capabilities? Why don't you play the same game which the media and the powerful people plays with us! The world is a stage, I repeat, the world is a stage and we all are merely players! Play this interesting game which we call as THE AFFAIRS OF MARKETISM and be the winner! Nothing is good without marketism! continue...>> |
Completed by : Chanakyas
email : chanakyas@indiatimes.com
copyright, © 2001 by The Chanakyas